PT Sympac Indonesia adalah distributor CRYSOUND di Indonesia. 

Handheld Device

CRY2624 Industrial Acoustic Imager

Gas leak/partial discharge detector with ATEX anti-explosion certificate


CRY2624 Industrial Acoustic Imager dapat dioperasikan dengan mudah untuk mendeteksi kebocoran gas dan partial discharge. Peralatan ini kokoh dan tahan lama, serta dapat dapat digunakan pada lingkungan kerja yang kompleks dan berubah-ubah. Tampilan gambar suara secara real-time, membantu Anda mendeteksi pressurized atau kebocoran vakum secara signifikan lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan metode lainnya. Alat ini dapat membantu mengurangi kerugian yang disebabkan oleh kebocoran gas, partial discharge, dan lainnya. 


High-performance microphones for efficient detection bersertifikasi ATEX

128 digital MEMS microphones can provide exceptionally high sensitivity, sound resolution and detection accuracy, real-time audio-visual display, anti-jamming, help detection.

Leakage Assessment

By activating the leak measurement function, the camera continuously displays the amount of leaks and losses as well as the level of loss. 

PD Detection & PD Type Identification

Partial discharges can be detected before more serious faults would occur, even before a thermal camera would detect them.

Analytics and Reports

Template-based processing and recording of data, waveforms,spectra,spectrograms is supported by CRYSOUND report analysis tool software, generating ISO 50001 compliant, editable protocols in Excel format.

Video Referensi

Referensi : Youtube CRYSOUND


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